Introducing Dolce Suono Trio +/-
March 3rd, 2022
We are excited to announce our new project Dolce Suono Trio +/- (pronounced “Dolce Suono Trio Plus Minus”), highlighting the excellent contributions by American and US-based composers to the repertoire for flute, cello, and piano trio, with an added musician or in different subsets of the trio. Our concept came about during the covid pandemic, when having flexibility in instrumentation was especially important as we found new ways of reaching audiences virtually. Several of the works were composed for DSE. Composers include Viet Cuong, Gonzalo Garrido-Lecca, Gabriel Globus-Hoenich, Jeremy Gill, and Zhou Tian, with the composers joining the performers in commentary about their works. The project features our flagship ensemble, the acclaimed trio of Mimi Stillman, flute, Gabriel Cabezas, cello, and Charles Abramovic, piano, and spotlights their dazzling artistry together and as individuals. We were honored to be awarded a grant from the Alice M. Ditson Fund at Columbia University for this project.
– Tuesday, March 8 at 4:00pm ET ~ Work by Jeremy Gill on “Tea with Mimi” with music by CPE Bach and Ravel (On DSE’s Facebook, Mimi’s Facebook, and YouTube)
– Sunday, March 13 at 3:00pm ET ~ Works by Gonzalo Garrido-Lecca and Zhou Tian on DSE Presents “Música en tus Manos” at Trinity Center for Urban Life, Philadelphia [and virtual release three weeks later] Tickets here
Please check this space as well as our email newsletters for updates as we present works and add to the project playlist.